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  • 17.06.2015 | FNEZ

    The senator Mr. Kazimierz Kleina made a statement during 74th Senate meeting on May 7th, 2015 in which he presented following questions:
    1)    What solutions to facilitate the construction of offshore wind farms and subsea cables have been included in the draft version of the act?
    2)    How does the act relate to the postulates of the offshore wind energy industry presented during the Offshore Conference “Development of coastal regions” and numerous letters and statements by the  representatives of the industry?

    In answer to the questions, Ms. Dorota Pyć – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, responded that the Ministry is currently working on an amendment of the act on marine areas of the Republic of the Poland and Maritime Administration. The current draft version of the act extends the time the investor has from obtaining the location permit (PSZW) until obtaining the construction permit from 6 to 8 years with a possible extension to 10 years. At the same time the validity of PSZW for offshore wind farms has been increased from 30 to 35 years. In addition the amendment will allow for transfer of the rights deriving from licenses to other entities.
    These changes are in line with the postulates of the Foundation for Sustainable Energy (FNEZ) submitted during work on the Renewable Energy Sources Act and later during public consultation of the act on maritime areas of the Republic of Poland and Maritime Administration carried out by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development.

    The response of Mrs. Dorota Pyć – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development to the Mr. Kzimierz Kleina position statement on May 7th, 2015

    Mr. Kazimierz Kleina  position statement from 74th Senate meeting on May 7th, 2015

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