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  • 05.11.2015 | FNEZ

    Exhibitions related to OWF Middle Baltic III  have been organized in Ustka, Łeba and Smołdzino. Their goal is to enable residents of the coastal municipalities the access to information about the planned investment and its potential impacts on the environment and society. Each exposition consists of 6 boards, which contain the most important information about the project broken down into the following thematic sections: information about the project, economic benefits, landscape and tourism, fisheries, environmental assessment, Natura 2000 sites and valuable species.
    To facilitate access to information about the project the exhibitions will be available to residents until the end of November in the following locations:
    •    Ustka – city hall of Ustka,
    •    Łeba – fisherman’s square
    •    Smołdzino – sidewalk by the municipal office of Smołdzino.
    The educational exhibitions are part of a campaign of education and social communication for the project OWF Middle Baltic III carried out by the Foundation for Sustainable Energy.

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