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  • 17.06.2015 | FNEZ

    On May 28th, 2015 in Łeba and Maj 29th, 2015 in Ustka took place another of a series meetings between local fishermen and the investor – Polenergia Bałtyk III, who is planning to build the Offshore Wind Farm Bałtyk Środkowy III (MFW BSIII). The investment will consist of max. 120 wind turbines located 23 km far off the coast of Poland.

    Meetings were attended by representantive of: Foundation for Sustainable Energy (the organizer of meetings), the investor, experts from National Marine Fisheries Research Institute and the following local fishing groups in Ustka and Łeba:
    •        Zrzeszenie Rybaków Morskich – Organizacja Producentów,
    •        Stowarzyszenie „Łebscy Rybacy”,
    •        Grupa Wędkarska Łeba,
    •        Środkowopomorska Grupa Rybacka,
    •        Zarząd Portu Morskiego w Ustce,
    •        Krajowa Izba Producentów Ryb,
    •        Związek Rybaków Polskich.
    Meetings were an opportunity to present concerns and questions related to the MFW BSIII. Concerns of fishing groups mainly concentrated on the possibility of reducing fish populations which could affect the fishing industry. In addition the possibility of navigating through the wind farm area was discussed (the investor declared that he will not file a request to the authorities to restrict navigation through the wind farm area) and the impact of the investment on the regional industry.
    The conclusions from the meetings will be published shortly.

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