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    Co2mmunity: best practise trip in Denmark and Germany

    Last week (14-16 March 2018) the first meeting took place in the Co2mmunity project, co-financed from the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region program. Invited by project partners: Municipality of Middelfart (Denmark) and Heinrich-Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), partners visited examples of community energy projects in Denmark and Germany. It was a great opportunity to meet with practitioners and learn from them. The lessons learnt will be certainly translate into the implementation of goals and tasks in our project. 

    The aim of the Co2mmunity project is to foster development of community energy (CE) projects based on renewable energy sources by:

    • increasing the importance of community energy and cooperative energy projects in the plans and strategies of the countries in the Baltic Sea region
    • strengthening the concept of cooperative energy projects in local communities
    • including the concept of energy cooperative and energy cluster in national, regional and local energy strategies
    • establishing international cooperation in the area of exchange of expert knowledge, integration of stakeholders and support in running community energy projects,
    • promotion of community energy, social mobilization and education
    • setting up “RENCOP” – renewable energy cooperative partnerships – that initiates and support community energy projects in the Baltic Sea region.

    Project kick-off meeting

    On November 16-17th 2017, the kick-off meeting of the Co2mmunity project took place. The project is financed from INTERREG Baltic Sea Region.

    At the invitation of the project leader Kiel University, the project consortium jointed to discuss about project’s actives in order to design the most effective plan of the project. The initial phase of the project plays a key role and influences the final success of the project because in this time project partners will take efforts in order to initiate and start RENCOPS – RENEWABLE ENERGY COOPERATIVE PARTNERSHIP as a main aim of the project.

    In Poland RENCOP will be an open working group that integrates citizens, stakeholders, members of energy cluster and energy cooperatives initiatives and projects, as well as experts, in order to in close cooperation to identify CE local development potential, tools that will support the development of energy clusters and cooperatives but also barriers and factors slowing their development. The result of the RENCOP in Poland will strengthen the concept of functioning and development of energy clusters and energy cooperatives and foster development of renewable energy projects carried out by citizens. We invite everyone who is interested in CE projects to join RENCOP in Poland!

    INTERREG Baltic Sea Region 2014 – 2020

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