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  • „Offshore grids – cost optimization, safety and stability of energy supply” 27-28.02.2017

    Increased capacity of cross-border connections between EU member states is one of the priorities set by the European
    Commission. Offshore grids are planned on both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea with the aim to integrate power markets,
    increase energy security and also to optimise the cost of development of the offshore wind sector.

    Poland is part of the „Baltic Integrid” project, the objective of which is to develop an initial design of the cross-border offshore
    grid on the Baltic Sea.

    • What conditions would have to be met to make this Baltic grid reality?
    • Will a connection point to the grid for offshore wind farms be located on Polish waters?
    • Will cross-border offshore grids lower the connecting and balancing costs for offshore wind farms?
    • Will there be offshore energy storage facilities?

    We will be looking for answers to these questions during the 3rd session of our conference: „Offshore wind energy
    an opportunity for the Polish economy”.

    The following speakers have announced their attendance:

    • Aleksander Gabryś, director EY
    • Eryk Kłosowski, president of the board PSE S.A.*
    • dr Joanna Maćkowiak-Pandera, president of the Forum for Energy
    • Andreea Tanasa, Directorate-General for Energy Eureopean Comission
    • Mariusz Wójcik, project coordinator Baltic InteGrid, FNEZ

    The session will be moderated by Bartosz Derski, Editor/Publisher of WysokieNapięcie.pl

    27-28 February 2017, Warsaw
    Take a look at the AGENDA here.
    Join us! Limited number of participants.
    List of participants is available on website, see who is going to attend!

    “Offshore wind energy in the Polish energy policy” Offshore Conference 27-28.02.2017

    The current Polish Energy Policy 2030 envisages „creating conditions facilitating investment decisions about building offshore
    wind farms”. It has been 7 years already since its adoption by the Polish goverment.
    Has this objective been achieved? When can we expect a decision to invest in the construction of the first Polish offshore wind farm?
    This will be discussed during the 2nd session of our conference: „Offshore wind energy as an opportunity for the Polish economy”.

    The following speakers have announced their presence:

    • Kazimierz Kleina, Polish senator
    • Daria Kulczycka, head of Energy and Climate Change Department at the Lewiatan Confederation of Polish Private Employers
    • dr Marek Los, proxy of the board, head of engineering, design and development ST³ Offshore Sp. z o.o.
    • Grzegorz Matusiak, Polish MP, chair of the Parliamentary Energy Team
    • Vincent Metzler, European Investment Bank
    • Michał Michalski, member of the board, Polenergia S.A.
    • Urlik Stridbeak, head of regulatory, DONG Energy
    • Jarosław Wajer, partner EY

    The session will be moderated by Maciej Stryjecki, president of the board Foundation for Sustainable Energy.

    27-28 February 2017, Warsaw
    Take a look at the AGENDA here.
    Join us! Limited number of participants.
    List of participants is available on website, see who is going to attend!

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