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  • Meeting within the R.EN.CO.P. Working Group activities | the RES Council, the Polish Confederation Lewiatan

    On 18th of December 2019, representatives of FNEZ, as a part of the R.EN.CO.P. Working Group activities, took part in a meeting of the RES Council functioning within the Polish Confederation Lewiatan. Its objective is to develop and promote recommendations for legislative and structural changes enabling the development of renewable energy sources in Poland. In its statements, the Council is guided by the overriding interest, i.e. the development of the energy market in Poland in an effective and sustainable manner in the interest of both energy producers and consumers.

      During the meeting, the assumptions and objectives of the Co2mmunity project conducted by FNEZ were presented. The participants of the meeting were acquainted also with the structure of the Handbook for Renewable Community Energy. It is assumed that the document will contain an analysis of national conditions, good practices and guidelines for initiating and conducting community energy projects in Poland. The document will be sent to the members of the RES Council for consultation.

    Further meetings of the RES Council are planned, where other issues concerning the activities of the Co2mmunity project, including the R.EN.CO.P Working Group, will be discussed.

       More about the Co2mmunity project can be found in the news on the Foundation’s website and on the project’s website: http://co2mmunity.eu.

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