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  • Project activities

    Activities in the projects Baltic InteGrid:

    • Establishment of the 6 thematic working groups in which all partners and associated organisations will work in the following fields:
      • policy and regulation – presents the key bottlenecks in the current policy, regulatory and legal framework, development of recommendations,
      • market and supply chain – analyze the market for supply and materials for offshore grids in the whole BSR region, development of business models for cooperation and frameworks for agreements between operators and manufacturers of turbines and components, as well as between operators and construction companies,
      • technology and grid design – addresses the current state of offshore wind technology and grid design in the BSR, and derive an outlook based on these findings,
      • environment and society – identifies and investigates the environmental and societal impacts of a regional OWE grid, and to identify impact reduction and mitigation pathways,
      • spatial planning – identifies the optimal corridor for the Baltic Offshore Grid which will include a synopsis on the development stage of the maritime spatial plans and the potential impact on the Baltic Grid,
      • cost-benefit analysis – identifies the costs and the benefits of an integrated offshore grid in the Baltic Sea Region, using qualitative as well as quantitative measures. A core activity in this process is the tailored model that will simulate the effects of an interconnected regional grid on national economies, electricity market prices, and CO2 emissions. It will lay the first basis for potential investment calculations for the industry or governments in the future;
    • establishment of the Baltic Offshore Grid Forum (BOGF) as a platform connecting stakeholders from the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) in field-specific, country-specific and transnational seminars and conferences;
    • elaboration of the high-level concept for the Baltic Offshore Grid (roadmap) for OWE development in the Baltic Sea based on the results of working groups;
    • elaboration of the prefeasibility studies for two specific case studies within the BSR – interconnections between Poland-Sweden and Germany-Denmark.

    The main results of the Baltic InteGrid project:

    1. Establishment of a permanent platform for communication between stakeholder groups related to the existing structures – VASAB, BASREC.
    2. Development of a concept of the Baltic Offshore Grid integrated with planned OWF based on detail analysis of spatial, technical, social and environmental conditions.
    3. Development of the detailed prefeasibility studies for selected parts of the Baltic Grid – as an input for the investments.
    4. Development of the recommendations to:
      • Ten Years Network Development Plan (TYNDP),
      • Maritime Spatial Planning,
      • Policy and Regulations.

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