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  • About RENCOP and a role of social dialogue – FNEZ’s presentation during conference in Małopolska

    FNEZ as an expert participated in the scientific conference about modern energy solutions in rural areas in Wierzchosławice (October 18, 2018).

    The lecture was dedicated to a role of a social dialogue in the light of the development of local energy projects and the Co2mmunity project, which aims to foster development of community energy projects. During the conference participants learnt about about principles of effective social dialogue, good communication practices and the objectives of the RENCOP partnership. The participants were invited to actively join and work together for the development of civic energy in Poland.

    More information HERE .

    See case studies of community energy projects from the Baltic Sea region

    First descriptions of experiences, conclusions and good practices from community energy projects are already available – see how the market works and see projects from Finland, Estonia and Lithuania!


    In the following months, the database will be enriched with descriptions from other countries from the Baltic Sea region – from Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Latvia. The materials were developed as part of the Co2mmunity project co-financed from the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region program.

    FNEZ on behalf of Baltic InteGrid consortium submitted Recommendations to the ENTSO-E’ Ten Year Network Development Plan 2018

    The Recommendations were submitted within the consultation stage of the ENTSO-E’ Ten Year Network Development Plan 2018 and are based on the findings from the Baltic InteGrid project.

    The full Recommendations can be found HERE

    The document condenses in one place the full knowledge and analytical results developed within the project and in particular:

    • The report “Towards a Baltic Offshore Grid: connecting electricity markets through offshore wind farms” – PreFeasibility Studies report for Polish-Swedish-Lithuanian and German-Swedish-Danish interconnectors integrated with offshore wind farms,
    • Findings from the conference “Offshore Grid and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea – Opportunity for Integrating Energy Markets” which was held in Warsaw on the 7th of June 2018.

    The Recommendations were developed under the Baltic InteGrid project, co-financed from EU funds under the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region 2014–2020 program, whose goal is to explore the potential of an electricity grid in the Baltic Sea integrated with offshore wind farms. It aims at contributing to a sustainable electricity generation, the further integration of regional electricity markets, and to enhance the security of supply around the Baltic Sea.

    The following recommendations were submitted, which are further elaborated in the document:

    • Recommendation 1 – Transmission projects with status “under consideration” should be analysed in view of potential integration with OWFs
    • Recommendation 2 – Include a Polish-Swedish-Lithuanian interconnection integrated with planned OWFs as a project candidate to the next TYNDP 2020
    • Recommendation 3 – Hansa PowerBridge II should be considered in terms of integrating offshore wind farms in the German, Swedish and Danish waters               
    • Recommendation 4 – Scenario assumptions in terms of OWE development in the Baltic Sea should be revised following the market trends and opening of new markets
    • Recommendation 5 – Communication between stakeholders should be facilitated, active role of ENTSO E and TSOs is crucial
    • Recommendation 6 – Include “Project 170 – Baltics synchro with CE” in the Regional Insight Report “Focus on the Nordic and Baltic Sea”

    Towards a Baltic Offshore Grid – read the report!

    The report  “Towards a Baltic Offshore Grid: Connecting electricity markets through offshore wind farms is finally out! If you want to know more about opportunities for offshore wind and interconnectors in the South Baltic you definitely have to read it.

    It summarises the results of extensive PreFeasibility Studies performed for 2 cases – an electrical connection between Poland, Sweden and Lithuania integrated with planned offshore wind farms in these countries and an analogical connection between Sweden, Germany.

    The results include analysis of technical, spatial and environmental conditions as well as cost-benefit analysis of zero, partial and maximum integration of offshore wind farms with interconnectors.

    The report was developed within the Baltic InteGrid project (www.baltic-integrid.eu) co-financed through the INTERREG Programme for the Baltic Sea Region in the financial perspective 2014-2020.

    Foundation for Sustainable Energy was task lead and cooperated with 13 partners from all EU countries in the Baltic Sea Region.

    RENCOP kick-off meeting

    On 6 of September 2018, in Warsaw, the kick-off meeting of the RENCOP partnership was held as part of the Co2mmunity project co-financed from the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020 program.

    Summary of the meeting is available only in Polish.

    It was an opportunity to hear inspiriting stories of energy clusters and join discussion with experts on future of the community energy market in Poland. Next meetings will be divided into various topics such as: legislation, financing, public acceptance, presence in the power system and more.

    If you would like to be a member of this RENCOP group and support an energy transition focussing on local energy potentials – do not hesitate to join us. Please contact: sekretariat@fnez.pl

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